
2e. Content of non-examined assessment Making Short Film (03/04) Making Short Film (Component 03/04) is a synoptic, non-examined assessment component that gives you the opportunity to produce your own complete short film or screenplay for a short film.
You will apply knowledge and understanding of the short film and its distinctive narrative form in relation to the production of your own fiction-based short film.

You will build upon and develop your knowledge and understanding of genre, representation and how the micro-elements of film form contribute to these and also to aesthetic effect, spectatorship and film poetics. More specifically, you  must:

• apply knowledge and understanding of elements of film to the production of film or screenplay (AO3) (60 marks) • apply knowledge and understanding of elements of film to analyse and evaluate own work in relation to other professionally produced work (AO2 strand 3) (30 marks).

The non-examined assessment will provide the opportunity for learners to demonstrate that they: • can apply their knowledge and understanding of the micro-elements of film form to the production of a film or screenplay and analyse and evaluate their own work in relation to other professionally produced work
• have the ability to use the micro-elements of film form to independently create their own complete short film or screenplay for a short film
• have research, planning and production skills through the independent realisation of their own complete short film or screenplay for a short film
• can develop the skills to carry out an evaluative analysis of their production in relation to other professionally produced work.

Learners will research, plan and produce one non-examined assessment production in response to the set briefs outlined below:

NEA task:
1 (a) Research

In preparation for the production task, you must watch and make notes on each of the set short films listed below. The running time of the set short film list is equivalent to one feature length film.

British set short film list
Fiction (total running time 87 minutes) Slap (2015). Directed by Nick Rowland. UK (25 mins) https://www.shortoftheweek. com/2016/06/11/slap/
Tight Jeans (2008). Directed by Destiny Ekharaga. UK (9 mins) watch?v=BcPBCrUc8YI
The Ellington Kid (2012). Directed by Dan Sully (5 minutes)
Over (2015). Directed by Jörn Threlfall. UK (14 mins) https://www.shortoftheweek. com/2016/04/16/over/26

Echo (2011). Directed by Lewis Arnold. UK (17 mins)
Operator (2015). Directed by Caroline Bartleet. UK (6 mins)
Arrival (2016). Directed by Daniel Montanarini. UK (5 mins) https://www.shortoftheweek. com/2016/06/10/the-arrival/
The Fly (2014). Directed by Jack Doolan. UK (6 mins) https://www.shortoftheweek. com/2015/09/21/the-fly/
The purpose of this activity is to research and further develop knowledge and understanding of narrative in short film, including: • the narrative conventions of the short film, including the three act structure
• how the dramatic qualities of a short film are constructed through a wide range of narrative techniques, including through the use of dialogue, character development and dramatic devices
• how narrative can convey points of view, both intended meaning and those of the spectator.

In addition you may also carry out some of the following research activities:
• fieldwork (e.g. a location recce for filming or digitally photographed stills)
• internet or paper-based research as appropriate
• interview potential cast members.

1 (b) Planning
The following list of planning materials is purely indicative:
• a draft script
• writing a location report
• notes on casting considerations
• a storyboard
• a series of screen tests with notes.
2 Individual NEA Production (60 marks)
There are two different individual production options. Learners must choose one of the following:
• a complete, new short film (4–5 minutes) or

3 Individual Evaluation (30 marks)
Learners must use subject specific terminology and produce an evaluative analysis which:
• evaluates and analyses their production in relation to the professionally produced set short films
• informs analysis and evaluation by selecting a range of appropriate evidence from their own production and the professionally produced set short films
• makes use of appropriate critical approaches
• discusses how micro-elements of film form can generate a preferred and alternative reading(s) of a short film.

The completed individual evaluation should be no longer than 1,500 words. This is sufficient length to give learners the opportunity to access the full range of marking criteria. Learners must include a final word count as part of the individual evaluation submitted to teachers for marking.

• a screenplay for a new short film (10 pages, equivalent to 10 minutes of screen time) 11; including • a digitally photographed storyboard of a key section of the screenplay, illustrating, through careful construction of mise-en-scène and shot selection, how the screenplay would be realised (20 digitally photographed key frames).  







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